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You are viewing records from 03/19/2010 15:03:37 to 11/21/2010 18:41:15. I'll be adding support for selecting a date range in future.

Just a quick note to say that I've been contracting for a while now and have avoided posting anything/not had much to post about but that I'm still around.

I did go to the Microsoft PDC's virtual event in Reading, UK so should really have been evangelizing about how great it is that there'll be private Azure clouds now but I've not really had a proper opportunity to investigate that yet, but perhaps the next post will be related to that.


So I have encountered a situation where I need to use two factor authentication and recently bought a couple of Yubico YubiKey's to investigate them as a potential solution where I can't use smart cards (mostly with other users who can't install the appropriate drivers or on locked down systems/internet cafe's).

They are fairly cheap (particularly in bulk) and provide similar functionality to an RSA Securid but without the need to type the password (they act as a keyboard and type onto the computer, but can't be modified by the computer in question).  They also have two 'slots' for different tokens, you can touch the button once for one and touch and hold for a second one time key.

Whilst there's plenty of code examples around for them (the company are extremely open), I haven't found a simple, logical C# library/class I could use to do authentication locally (they supply ones for remote auth on their servers) - there were always multiple files and loads of code in peoples projects.

My intention is to write a Windows SubAuthentication DLL (in C++ but I learn in C#) to use with these keys which also still checks your normal password - so when remote desktop'ing, using something that authenticates to Windows or using the Windows Radius server (NPS) to authenticate VPN's you can choose to either supply your normal password, or if you're on a system you don't trust you can use your username/low security pin code and Yubikey.

So here's my take on the decoding of a Yubikey's input - note that I'm not interested in making a software token though so the class doesn't generate values for the random value (if you wanted to do this you just need to ask RNGCryptoProvider for a few bytes of random though) and there's also no incrementing of the sessions, in-session use counters or timestamps included - however I did include the code to encrypt it appropriately if you do supply all the values.

To use this class you just need to call it like so - where privateKey is a byte[] array with the private key in and otpCode is a string like "fkfthfffktbnreffrghcldrffeclcgkt" output from a touch of the Yubikey:-

YubiKey otp = YubiKey.FromModHex(privateKey, otpCode);
if (otp.UidMatch(checkIdentity))
Console.WriteLine("Decoded the YubiKey's OTP code:-");
Console.WriteLine("\tSession:\t" + otp.SessionCounter.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("\tCount in session:\t" + otp.SessionUseCount.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("\tTime (high):\t" + otp.TimestampHighPart.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("\tTime (low):\t" + otp.TimestampLowPart.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("\tTime (low):\t" + otp.Uid.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Failed to identify the keys correct OTP");


And you can decode the private key/identity as they're displayed in the YubiKey personalisation tool with the following handy (but not super efficient) hex to byte algorithms:-


public static byte[] StringHexDecode(string hexData)
List<byte> data = new List<byte>();
foreach (string b in hexData.Split(' '))
data.Add(Convert.ToByte(b, 16));
return data.ToArray();

public static string StringHexEncode(byte[] hexData)
return BitConverter.ToString(hexData).Replace('-'' ');

And finally here's the actual Yubikey class including the algorithm to decrypt the data that the USB dongles actually output in 'ModHex' which is an odd keyboard language independent format but seems to work quite well:-

/// <summary>
/// A YubiKey OTP is symmetric two-factor auth key, this class allows decoding and validating them
/// </summary> public class YubiKey {
public YubiKey()

private const int CRC_OK_RESIDUE = 0xf0b8; /// <summary>
/// Unique (secret) ID.
/// </summary> public byte[] Uid = new byte[6]; /// <summary>
/// Session counter (incremented by 1 at each startup).  High bit
/// indicates whether caps-lock triggered the token.
/// </summary>
public UInt16 SessionCounter; /// <summary>
/// Timestamp incremented by approx 8Hz (low part).
/// </summary>
public UInt16 TimestampLowPart; /// <summary>
/// Timestamp (high part).
/// </summary>
public byte TimestampHighPart;
/// <summary>
/// Number of times used within session + activation flags.
/// </summary> public byte SessionUseCount; /// <summary>
/// Pseudo-random value.
/// </summary>
public UInt16 RandomValue; /// <summary>
/// CRC16 value of all fields.
/// </summary>
public UInt16 CRC;

/// <summary>
/// Does the included UID match the one we expected?
/// </summary>
/// <param name="uid"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool UidMatch(byte[] uid)
for (int i = 0; i < uid.Length; i++)
if (Uid[i] != uid[i])
return false;
return true;

#region Post Decryption Conversion

private static int calculateCrc(byte[] b)
int crc = 0xffff;

for (int i = 0; i < b.Length; i += 1)
crc ^= b[i] & 0xFF;
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
int n = crc & 1;
crc >>= 1;
if (n != 0)
crc ^= 0x8408;
return crc;

internal static YubiKey OtpFromRawByteArray(byte[] input)
if (input.Length < 16)
throw new YubiKeyException("Invalid OTP data - the amount supplied was
insufficient for a six byte identity."

if (calculateCrc(input) != CRC_OK_RESIDUE)
throw new YubiKeyException("CRC was invalid on that OTP");

YubiKey u = new YubiKey();
u.Uid = input.Take(6).ToArray();
u.SessionCounter = BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 6);
u.TimestampLowPart = BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 8);
u.TimestampHighPart = input[10];
u.SessionUseCount = input[11];
u.RandomValue = BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 12);
u.CRC = BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 14);
return u;

internal static byte[] RawByteArrayFromOtp(YubiKey input)
List<byte> data = new List<byte>();
return data.ToArray();

#region Cryptographic wrapper
internal byte[] AESEncrypt(byte[] data, byte[] key, byte[] iv)
Aes enc = Aes.Create();
enc.Key = key;
enc.IV = iv;
enc.Padding = PaddingMode.None;
using (ICryptoTransform transform = enc.CreateEncryptor())
byte[] output = transform.TransformFinalBlock(data, 0, data.Length);
return output;

internal static byte[] AESDecrypt(byte[] data, byte[] key, byte[] iv)
Aes aesImplementation = Aes.Create();
aesImplementation.Key = key;
aesImplementation.IV = iv;
aesImplementation.Padding = PaddingMode.None;

using (ICryptoTransform transform = aesImplementation.CreateDecryptor())
byte[] output = transform.TransformFinalBlock(data, 0, data.Length);

return output;

#region ModHex Support

private const string alphabet = "cbdefghijklnrtuv";

internal static string ModHexEncode(byte[] data)
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();

for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
result.Append(alphabet[(data[i] >> 4) & 0xf]);
result.Append(alphabet[data[i] & 0xf]);

return result.ToString();

internal static byte[] ModHexDecode(String s)
List<byte> baos = new List<byte>();
int len = s.Length;

bool toggle = false;
int keep = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
char ch = s[i];
int n = alphabet.IndexOf(ch.ToString().ToLower());
if (n == -1)
throw new YubiKeyException(s + " is not properly encoded");

toggle = !toggle;

if (toggle)
keep = n;
baos.Add((byte)((keep << 4) | n));
return baos.ToArray();


#region Factory helpers
/// <summary>
/// Create a Yubikey object from the mod hex and the private key
/// </summary>
/// <param name="privateKey">The private key to decrypt with</param>
/// <param name="modHex">The modhex content</param>
/// <returns>A yubikey object</returns>
public static YubiKey FromModHex(byte[] privateKey, string modHex)
//no IV in use
byte[] inputOTP = ModHexDecode(modHex);
byte[] decrypted = AESDecrypt(inputOTP, privateKey, new byte[16]);
return OtpFromRawByteArray(decrypted);

/// <summary>
/// Convert this yubikey instance into a mod-hex OTP string
/// </summary>
/// <param name="privateKey">The private key to encrypt with</param>
/// <returns>The modhext content</returns>
public string ToModHex(byte[] privateKey)
byte[] clearotp = RawByteArrayFromOtp(this);
byte[] encrypted = AESEncrypt(clearotp, privateKey, new byte[16]);
return ModHexEncode(encrypted);

public class YubiKeyException : Exception
public YubiKeyException(string message) : base(message)

} }

Once decrypted it is a simple matter to verify it is a key with a particular code (the simple act of decryption should do that but there's a UID included inside too) and that the Session counter and SessionUseCount have been incremented appropriately to prevent re-use of existing keys.

Note that if you are trying to decode a key which has a prefix added you are interested in the last 32 characters of the output - the first few characters by default on a key are a static identifier so that it's possible to identify which encryption key to use to decrypt the token; I've turned this off and favour the user having to enter their own username/password prior to using the key.


Just a quick note that posting will resume at some point as I'm going to start some more hobby projects, due to some issues with Zorg Solutions though I took a contract and I try to avoid posting about anything work related on my blog.

I've not been doing much proper software development out of work, just helping the odd person with things and making sure I am up-to-speed with things like Windows Azure, Visual Studio 2010 and the new features of C++0x (I ended up doing quite a bit of C++ at my previous job at one point, and found I can do stuff in it with just a bit more time spent working out what library to use than C#, so it seems sensible to keep up to speed with it!).


Here's one from my distant past but which may be useful to me at some point today. I can actually see plenty of quicker ways to achieve this but it's also well tested for generating/checking credit card check digits:-

/// <summary>
    /// Creates/appends Luhn/Mod10 check digits to a specified numeric string
    /// Goes belly up with a text string.
    /// </summary>
    public class LuhnCheck
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialise the LuhnCheck class with a number
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="numberToAddDigitTo">The number to do work on</param>
        public LuhnCheck(string numberToAddDigitTo)
            _numberToAddDigitTo = numberToAddDigitTo;
            setupok = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialise the LuhnCheck class without a number to start with
        /// </summary>
        public LuhnCheck()
            _numberToAddDigitTo = "";

        private string _numberToAddDigitTo;
        /// <summary>
        /// The number to work on
        /// </summary>
        public string NumberToAddDigitTo
                return _numberToAddDigitTo;
                _numberToAddDigitTo = value;
                setupok = true;
        private bool setupok = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Add the check digit to the string and return the whole string
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The whole string with added check digit</returns>
        public string AddCheckDigit()
            if (setupok)
                NumberToAddDigitTo += Convert.ToString(CreateCheckDigit());
                return NumberToAddDigitTo;
                throw new ArgumentException("Please specify the number to add the digit to.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a check digit without using it
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The check digit</returns>
        public int CreateCheckDigit()
            if (setupok)
                return CreateCheckDigit(NumberToAddDigitTo);
                throw new ArgumentException("Please specify the number to calculate the digit for.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the check digit for a specified numeric string - it does not add it, only calculates it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="numberToAddDigitTo">The number to work the check digit out for</param>
        /// <returns>The check digit</returns>
        public int CreateCheckDigit(string numberToAddDigitTo)
            string validChars = "0123456789";
            foreach (char c in numberToAddDigitTo)
                if (!(validChars.IndexOf(c) >= 0))
                    throw new FormatException("The value passed in was not a valid number");

            string tocheckdigit = numberToAddDigitTo + "0"; //We add zero to use it to calculate
            //the number from the correct point - since we'll be alternating between multiplying it by one or two
            int strlen = tocheckdigit.Length;
            int ncheck = 0;
            int nweight = 1; //this will alternate between one and two
            int intermediary = 0;
            string tosplit = "";

            for (int i = 1; i <= strlen; i++) //loop through the card number string
                intermediary = nweight * Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(tocheckdigit[strlen - i])); //make intermediary
//be the multiple of the variance and the card number
                if (intermediary > 9) //if it's bigger than ten...
                    tosplit = Convert.ToString(intermediary);
                    //Split the two digits
                    int firstdigit = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(tosplit[0]));
                    int seconddigit = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToString(tosplit[1]));
                    //Then add them together
                    intermediary = firstdigit + seconddigit;
                //Add the intermediary result to the rolling total
                ncheck += intermediary;
                //Change the variance as per the Luhn formula
                if (nweight == 2)
                    nweight = 1;
                    nweight = 2;
            //ncheck now has the total
            int remainder = 0;
            //Work out the remainder
            Math.DivRem(ncheck, 10, out remainder);
            //return ten minus the remainder (if it's zero then it divides perfectly by ten so is valid,
            //but since we're CREATING a check digit we want to know how far off the result is and how much we
	    //need to correct it using the check digit)
            if (10 - remainder == 10)
                return 0;
                return 10 - remainder;

        /// <summary>
        /// Whether the number stored in the object is a valid MOD 10/Luhn check digited number
        /// </summary>
        public bool IsValid
                if (CreateCheckDigit() == 0)
                    return true;
                    return false;

Attempting to pass paths with a space or any other command line argument that requires being enclosed in quotes was causing me some mild frustration, it looks like the .NET implementation that fills args is incorrectly mangling the data that is passed into it.  A major bug that shouldn't have gotten through QA exists somewhere...

If you pass a path into a program that is foreach-ing over the args collection through the debug properties in visual studio (and presumably through anywhere else!) you go from:-

program.exe /path "c:\my documents\" /dostuff 1

Turn into two rather than four arguments:-

args[0] is /path
args[1] is c:\my documents" /dostuff 1

Which is downright strange, as you'd expect to get:-

args[0] is /path
args[1] is c:\my documents\
args[2] is /dostuff
args[3] is 1

What on earth are they doing to cause such a mess to command line arguments... Anyway, whilst I'm not sure when this started but thankfully the Environment.CommandLine is left intact and undamaged, so you can do something like this to fix the problem:-

private static string[] FixedExtractCmdLineElements()
            List<string> elements = new List<string>();

            string[] firstParts = Environment.CommandLine.Split(' ');

            //reparse it
            StringBuilder temporaryPart = new StringBuilder("");
            bool inside = false;
            foreach (string part in firstParts)
                //are we inside a quoted part, or did we just find a quote?
                if (!inside && !part.Contains("\""))
                    if (inside)
                        //we are still inside a quote...
                        temporaryPart.Append(" " + part);

                        if (part.Contains("\""))
                            //then we are also at the end!
                            elements.Add(temporaryPart.Replace("\"", "").ToString()); //add the part minus its quotes to the array
                            //all done!
                            inside = false;
                        //else we just found a quote!
                        inside = true;
                        temporaryPart = new StringBuilder(part);

            return elements.ToArray();
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This is mostly so I don't have to ever type this in again, but it's most useful when you're also using an RSACryptoProvider to encrypt and send the key to the other end where you're decrypting whatever you are sending, but I thought these might be of use to someone...  There's really nothing complicated to these at all.

Note that the iv (initialisation vector) should be some random data that you pass with the encrypted data, but it does not need to be protected.  It's used to prevent two duplicate bits of input data outputting the exact same (and therefore being obvious), and to prevent someone making you encrypt something special in a way that you can have your private key exposed.

public static string AESEncrypt(string input, byte[] key, byte[] iv)
    Aes enc = Aes.Create();
    enc.Key = key;
    enc.IV = iv;
    using (ICryptoTransform transform = enc.CreateEncryptor())
        byte[] data = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(input);
        byte[] output = transform.TransformFinalBlock(data, 0, data.Length);

        return Convert.ToBase64String(output);

private static string AESDecrypt(string input, byte[] key, byte[] iv)
    Aes aesImplementation = Aes.Create();
    aesImplementation.Key = key;
    aesImplementation.IV = iv;

    using (ICryptoTransform transform = aesImplementation.CreateDecryptor())
        byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String(input);
        byte[] output = transform.TransformFinalBlock(data, 0, data.Length);

        return Encoding.Unicode.GetString(output);

I needed to send some data over another medium to WCF and wanted to retain my current objects and classes, but also to retain the serialisation format for ease of direct input at the other end of this communications 'tube'.  I was actually sending these messages over XMPP after encrypting them, which is what the next post will be about...  It's worth noting that serialization using WCF is marginally faster than the more capable XmlSerializer but at the same time this has its own quirks and tends to produce more verbose XML.

So here's methods to serialise and deserialise DataContract marked up objects to XML strings:-

        public static string ContractObjectToXml<T>(T obj)
            DataContractSerializer dataContractSerializer = new DataContractSerializer(obj.GetType());

            String text;
            using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                dataContractSerializer.WriteObject(memoryStream, obj);
                text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(memoryStream.ToArray());
            return text;

        public static T XmlToContractObject<T>(string data)
            DataContractSerializer dataContractSerializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(T));

            byte[] binary = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data);
            using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(binary))
                object o = dataContractSerializer.ReadObject(memoryStream);
                return (T)o;
(Google thinks I should spell Serialise incorrectly as Serialize so I'm very conflicted about which I should use in this article as anyone searching would probably look for the American spelling...!)